The Pure Wild Witch Quotes !

Thank you to all of the wonderful Goddess Warrior Witchy Women who have already began their journey, connecting within to a more powerful feminine beautiful self. 

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Are you ready to start your Pure Wild Witch journey to finally setting your Goddess Soul on Fire ?

Tonight I experienced Shamanic Healing The Beginners Course and Initiation with Kerri. I’ve been missing something in my life and yesterday the new moon in cancer drew me towards learning this amazing new way of life from Kerri. I am forever grateful for this new venture and what is yet to come, it is something I will be forever evolving and learning from. I’ll forever be able to have this skill and hopefully be in a position to help others like Kerri does one day. I am so excited for this new opportunity and many doors she’s opened for me this door being The Shamanic Door x
The Ostara ceremony was an incredibly healing and deeply relaxing experience. I felt completely held in Kerri’s sacred space. She is like a gardener, pulling out the weeds of unwanted energy and watering the seeds to allow for new growth
— j ~ Elizabeth
I have no words that can ever properly describe the experience of Honouring your inner child. All my life I have suffered from worrying about what other people think, afraid to speak my truth, not standing up for myself. I can now see how this behaviour has landed me in situations and with people that could have been avoided. It’s definitely a working progress, and it’s going to take a bit of time to process, I feel in control for the first time in my life and it’s life changing. Amazed and grateful.
Loved everything about the Sisterhood weekend thank you, thank you, thank you SO much lots of love and light energy to you all!
Kerri you are amazing I literally cannot wait for the next xx
You have brought together so many kindred souls and this is just the beginning of our journey, what a journey we have been on!
— S ~ Postlethwaite
Sisterhood wilderness Weekend retreat was an amazing experience amplified by the gifts of Mother Nature.
— C ~ Deaville
Wow! What an amazing sisterhood weekend with amazing women, new friendships and wonderful connections made, I feel absolutely knackered but truly blessed. My legs are aching like hell, ( must be the yoga yesterday)
Thank you for all your hard work, preparation and organisation.
— A ~ Jones
What a honour to have spent such an incredible and empowering sisterhood weekend with the most amazing and divine Goddesses. Thank you Kerri for bringing us all together with the magic of your wild witch touch!
The location of the sisterhood retreat, the pace of the sessions and the people were all perfect so huge congratulations on getting it so right first time Kerri! Thank you for the most amazing weekend it delivered WAY beyond my expectations and I’ve come away feeling blessed and honoured to have connected with you all. Thank you Kerri and to each and everyone of you! Sending lots of love and energy for the most magical of weeks.
The Wild Woman Awakenings journey has been absolutely incredible. After years of healing and guidance from Kerri, it was the perfect next step for me. It definitely needs to be entered into when you are completely ready, to surrender and give it your all. This is not passive healing - you need to be ready to do the work for yourself. Kerri creates such a supportive, sacred space that allows you to explore your own depths and heights, whilst still feeling held. I didn’t come out of my final session feeling like a new person - I came out feeling like the truest version of myself with all of my masks and armour removed. Thank you for guiding me along this transformative path, Kerri.
So, I was privileged enough to share a Goddess full Moon Ritual at last night’s full moon such powerful energies with the Pure Wild Witch Goddess.

It was an honour to experience and feel this Goddess feminine divine presence.
The warm welcoming, the pure smile, her goddess voice and calmness, the kindness of her heart and connection into my energy field felt so powerful that I am struggling to find words to described the sensations I felt, with her unique shamanic techniques that reached all my subtle bodies.

I came home energised and so connected to my inner essence, and although I slept very well, I’ve been working very hard on several meetings during the night where the sacred feminine energies of so many goddesses merged into me and filled me with divine knowledge. I woke up inspired and fully activated with non stop ideas empowerment coming in .

I highly recommend any awakened Goddess to experience Kerri’s offerings as she has the potential to awaken in you the forgotten soul fragments that need cleansing, attention, love and forgiveness.

Having tried a variety of healing work, I can honestly say that this Witch has it all, she is the embodiment of the Goddess you need to activate within you. Still feeling it ;) I will definitely be back.


So grateful for you, Magical Blessings!
— A . Benedict De Spinoza
I experienced the Wild Woman Awakenings and what can I say apart from WOW. It was just the most incredible, life changing journey I’ve ever been on. It has not only opened future doors for me but made me realise now what path I need to be on, if it wasn’t for Kerri and this course I would still be lost in my own thoughts... this was the body cleanse I was really desperate for and I’m so grateful and glad to have done it.. thanks to Kerri I am a new wild woman !
Hi. I have been really depressed since August last year. I went to the New Moon Sound Healing gathering at Mula yoga last night and today, I feel like a normal human. No depression at all today. In fact, I feel happy and light hearted. Thank you for a bit of light xx
Well my distance healing session certainly did not disappoint !! I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I would feel anything, but it was such an amazing experience. I felt tingling almost as though I was being lifted out of my physical body to a beautiful calming place. All I can describe it as being is experiencing electricity running up and down my arms and legs. Visualising the stair climb to the light was extremely profound and I felt as though I was coming home to a safe and loving space. I needed this so much at this time. Thank you Kerri xx
— J . Holt
All I can say is wow!!!, distance healing wasn’t something I thought would be for me, I love coming to see you face to face BUT!! last night was just amazing!, thank you so much Kerri x You are one powerful witch!
— R . Humphries
Thank you so much for your online Goddess Self Healing Chakra Meditation its beautiful. My daughter falls asleep every time at the heart chakra, I feel so peaceful after finishing them xx
— B . Holmes
Hi kerri tonight was amazing!! When you told us to talk to our soul it was soooo powerful! I could literally feel it smiling and being happy!
I think this may have been what I felt last night too, this massive energy moving from my belly! Or maybe that was something else!
But anyway both sessions were awesome! Xx
Not sure where to start . . . I stumbled across Kerri on Instagram. I was exhausted and overwhelmed with motherhood at the time, trying to maintain a tip top household and work part time. Feeling the pressures all women and mums do, was I doing enough, was my husband happy, my kids ok etc etc. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for but something just drew me to her and I booked onto a Goddess Soul Coaching Workshop. It opened up a lifetime of emotions and I have been seeing Kerri weekly since for Shamanic Healing sessions and meditation. I have learnt so much about myself and the power of crystals which I now use in my daily life. Meeting Kerri and learning from her has been a powerful and energising period and I will and do recommend her to every busy woman I know. She’s one hell of a witch !
— S . Postlethwaite
I had my First session last night, I loved it I wish I had the words to describe it, the shamanic healing session was the most beautiful and calming experience I have ever felt. Kerri was beautiful inside and out and she made me feel so at ease just what I needed right now, if anyone is tempted to book or really feels the need to go please make that time for yourself and go, you won’t regret it, I can’t wait to go again. My aim is to feel beautiful and calm from the inside and I know I will get there with the healing hands of this beautiful lady. So glad I found her.
— A . Dunne
At a time when in need most this lady came into my life . . . the work she did with me was truly amazing, feeling I can deal with my life again all from one session, looking forward to more x .
— N . Pedder
Thank you, you truly can work miracles.
— J . Smith
I had a Goddess Moon Ritual last night. Kerri was so lovely, understanding and caring. Felt amazing afterwards my mind is so much clearer. I would recommend her to anyone.
— C . Catterall
I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and have been going to Kerri for four weeks. I feel so much calmer and relaxed, I can’t recommend Kerri enough to anyone pregnant or not :)
— R . Humphries
Had an amazing first session last night, at 38 weeks pregnant, the session helped me relax so much I had the best night sleep in months. My hip pain has massively reduced which I believe is due to the release of all the tension. Kerri is a lovely lady and I would highly recommend her to anybody who has pre labour nerves or pain in pregnancy. I look forward to going back once my baby has arrived ! Thank you Kerri x
— A . Williams
Kerri is one of the most encouraging, caring woman I know I felt totally relaxed and at ease almost drifting off ! My head felt a lot lighter and my stress eased, thank you for a wonderful session.
— C . Williams
Kerri is truly an amazing person, if you are in two minds about whether to book a session with her, go ahead and do it ! You will not regret it. Healing sessions and in particular the Goddess Soul Coaching sessions have truly changed my life for the better. I have suffered from depression and experienced past traumas, Kerri helped me work through and heal in a way that I never thought possible. She is compassionate, professional and gifted in her work and the space in which she works is always so serene and comfortable. I couldn’t be happier with the whole experience.
— A . Mutch
Amazingly relaxing treatment last night, I was exhausted on arrival, but left feeling refreshed and at peace. The treatment itself for me was how I imagine Aboriginal dreamtime to be, a mass of dreamlike images, visions, video clips but I was awake. I felt as though I was drifting in and out of consciousness but it was very pleasant. Kerri made me feel so secure at all times she is such a lovely lady. Felt she read me correctly and really knew me from the treatment, although she had no prior knowledge of me. Altogether a beautiful experience.
— H . Hayter
I just wanted to say something as I reflect back on my year, I wanted to thank you really, the beginning of this year was so hard for me I was so down I honestly thought I needed to see a doctor. I struggled to face everyday life and felt all I could see was black ! When I came to you completely unaware of what would come of it I never in a million years expected what was going to happen to me. From that moment my life did a 360, the clouds seemed to lift, turning to alcohol stopped, its as though I closed the door on all the bad and began to see clear for the first time in what seemed like forever ! and now from that visit I feel I am where I am meant to be, I am who I am meant to be, I can see my future which I have never seen before. From months of crying every day, I have now only cried a handful of times and always managed to leave it there at a little cry. Where as before if I started I couldn’t stop and I can’t think of any other reason for this apart from you. You saved me ! whatever you did, you are special and I want you to know that, my turn around started with you and I am so grateful. Keep up the good work you are a real life Angel xxx
— G . Brown
Thank you Kerri for today’s Goddess Soul Coaching Workshop. Thoroughly enjoyed it and the tea and cake.
Definitely have a lot to take away from today’s workshop. It’s my time now and it’s all about me xx
— J . Hunt
If you’re like me and sat there for ages wondering “what is this pure wild witch thing all about?” then carry on doing that but do it while you’re waiting to go to your first session!!!!!

I was lucky enough to win one of the competitions The Pure Wild Witch posts from time to time which started me on an awesome path to feeling fantastic.

I first attended a Goddess Soul Healing workshop and found it really empowering. Difficult to explain how / why but it’s one of those things that resonates differently with each individual so I’m certain each person would describe their experience and outcomes differently, save to say its been hugely positive.

Since then I’ve done the three healings, Shamanic, Chakra and Soul and really can say they are fantastic. I got something different from each one and they have helped me massively in dealing with significantly traumatic past events that I’ve carried with me. I feel more balanced, positive and confident about being me. I didn’t go with any particular expectations or opinions about what Kerri does which could possibly have helped me get the most out of these sessions.

I would say to you ladies out there who are still undecided and feel that you might not be able to justify the outlay for something that you’re not quite sure what you’ll be receiving in return to just book it. If we can treat ourselves to nails, massages, pedicures, wine etc then I would say it’s well worth swapping one of these appointments / purchases to give a session with Kerri a try.

Be brave, be you and just give it a go. You’ve nothing to lose but absolutely loads to gain.
— C . Clarkson
I can’t tell you how much I have gained from the three sessions I have had. Shamanic, Chakra then the Soul healing!
All very relaxing and what a beautiful person and soul Kerri is.
I will definately be back.
Thank you so much !
— A . Jones
Can’t recommend this experience enough! After a tough month, I had the most positive, re-affirming messages and a beautiful Soul Healing session. Kerri is so warm and friendly and allows you to relax in a safe space xxx
— L . Stewart
I decided to treat myself to the shamanic, chakra and soul healing over 3 consecutive weeks. I was left feeling refreshed and my mind was so much clearer. Kerri gives great advice and I always leave a session with her feeling empowered, hope to see her again in the future.
— C . Adams
I’ve known Kerri for some time now and as a birthday gift to myself had a Shamanic Healing.
Was a really relaxing, cleansing experience and highly recommend it to all women who feel run down and pulled in all directions.
Felt much lighter for the experience and have booked another session.
— J . Higgins
I have had the most remarkable experiences throughout my sessions with Kerri. I have to admit I was a little skeptical having not tried anything like this before but decided to book as was looking for some help having recently gone through a difficult time. I was feeling low in confidence, anxious and unsure of myself.
I can’t really put my finger on how or why I feel different, I just do. The most bizarre experience was on one of my healing sessions . . . as I was drifting off I sensed an animal by my side. At the end of the session I mentioned this to Kerri and her face lit up, she had sensed the same and explained that this was my spirit animal.
Interestingly the animal had the same characteristics of the strength I was seeking. More recently I experienced the sound healing session which was a truly unique experience, I noticed the following day that my back pain had significantly reduced too. Coincidence? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t. Thank you Kerri for making such a difference to my life, and for teaching me the art of meditation, it’s been invaluable. X
I had a Goddess Spirit Animal Awakening session with The Pure Wild Witch today and it was incredibly powerful. I experienced a vivid connection with my spirit animal and it was wonderfully uplifting and magical. I highly recommend this session if you have received previous healings from Kerri and want to explore your spiritual path further. Thank you so much for an enchanting experience I have had many sessions with Kerri and each one has helped me massively, in different ways. From first attending the Unleash Your Inner Witch workshop, to progressing through goddess shamanic, chakra and soul healing sessions, as well as a goddess healing hands session and an incredibly therapeutic soul coaching session, The Pure Wild Witch has had a huge impact on my life. There isn’t an easy way to describe how healing, transformative and uplifting each session with Kerri is, but she has helped me to find my inner strength and been there to support me through difficult times. If there is a part of your soul that is called to the spiritual and magical, or if you are seeking to release the goddess and witch inside you, Kerri will take your hand and lead you where you need to go.
Morning, I just want to thank you again for last night. I slept amazing and for the first time in months I have woken up feeling positive and refreshed. I’ve booked me an my mum onto the Goddess Full Moon Sound Healing Ceremony for next weekend and I already can’t wait for our next session you are amazing! Thank you xx
— E . Lloyd
Really didn’t know what to expect, but felt immediately relaxed just chatting to Kerri even before the session started. No rushing or up selling just an hour of pure healing. Had the best night sleep last night in years and today Felt taller, more positive and stronger. Trying to explain this wonderful experience to people today but really you just have to try it for yourself. Will definitely be having more sessions. I feel I have found a new friend as Kerri is so caring and such a good listener.
— A . Higham