Honouring your Inner Child

Honouring your Inner Child


Each and everyone of us have an inner child energy, the part of us where our soul yearns for love and demands attention. This part of us screams vulnerability and begs for affection.

Our inner child can be lost, hurt and unloved within our very souls until we are ready to journey within to take care of them.

Inner Child healing can be so incredibly powerful, so much pain can be left in childhood and this pain left unhealed can leave us damaged or lost in adulthood.

Childhood takes up such a very small amount of time in our life line and yet if left unhealed it can hold power over the rest of our lives.

In this incredible healing journey within you will meet with your inner child, to give her all the parts she is missing, to hold space for her and let her know she is unbelievably loved. The journey also invites you to meet with your inner mother, this unconditional loving part of yourself who is able to nourish, love and soothe the vulnerable and lost inner child within.

A truly beautiful, emotionally powerful and life changing spiritual journey offering you sacred space, supported and guided by The Pure Wild Witch to embrace and hold your inner child in a place of love, total acceptance and nurturing.

Honouring your inner child can help heal many aspects of our adult life which are often triggered in childhood: divorce, bullying, abuse, parental rejection, addiction, eating disorders, OCD, lack of self love or confidence.

This journey is 60 minutes with space to journal and be fully supported through your experience.

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