Litha Ceremony

Litha Ceremony


The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. The Sun King has now reached the highest point in his journey through the heavens. Witches celebrate Midsummer around June 21, when the sun enters o degrees of the zodiac sign Cancer. This is a time of abundance, when the earth puts forth her bounty. In early cultures, Midsummer marked a period of plenty when food was abundant and life was easy. Our ancestors celebrated this joyful holiday with feasting and celebration. At this point, however, the sun has reached its pinnacle and begins its descent once again. At Midsummer earth spirits abound this belief, If you wish, you can commune with the elementals and fairies at this time. Our ancestors regarded Midsummer's Eve as a time of intense magic, especially for casting LOVE and ABUNDANCE spells. Just as they've done for centuries, witches today celebrate the summer solstice with feasting, music, dancing, and thanksgiving. Midsummer is also a good time to collect herbs, flowers, and other plants to use in magic spells.

Enjoy this serene Litha Ceremony TENDING TO YOUR INNER GARDEN which is the metaphorical internal landscape that serves as the cradle for the spiritual and creative seeds of intention we plant each winter solstice ready to bloom on this summer solstice. It is our own personal manifestation, subject to the same whims of nature - including unwelcome invasive species. Even the most seasoned spiritual seeker must cultivate a regular practice of tending her inner garden, bring awareness to her negative thoughts and negative inner narratives: the weeds of this sacred terrain. When we allow ourselves to align with the wild and wise flow of the Wheel of the Year, we offer ourselves the opportunity to bring loving awareness to the health of our interior being and ensure the expression of our most sacred self.

Lay in calm warm candlelight, with the scents of sandalwood, immerse yourself in a summer solstice celebration of self, where we weed out the old to create the most blooming beautiful you. Experience a candle ritual to allow the sun and all its magic to bring you happiness and abundance as we create a sun spell. In this radiant warm ceremony you will feel yourself drown in beautiful sound healing, receive heart healing and we end with a powerful uplifting Season of the Witch Litha Oracle reading.


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