Goddess Smudging Kit

Goddess Smudging Kit


Abalone Shell

Raw Rose Quartz

White Sage Smudging Stick

Shielding you from waves of negativity, the soothing energy of abalone shells is one full of peace, beauty, compassion and love.

The Native Americans believe an abalone shell to be sacred and use it along with white sage to carry messages to heaven.

Rose Quartz benefits include attracting love, calming emotions and rejuvenating your emotional body. Raw Rose Quartz cleanses your auric energy field to release stress, tension, anger and so facilitating the forgiveness of yourself and others. Its soothing and calming energy helps to replace negative energies with feelings of faith, peace and hope for the future. When you hold a piece of raw Rose Quartz in your hands you feel immersed in a bubble of gentle loving energy.

White sage is one of many plants that are sacred, revered for its medicinal properties, Native Americans believe that this healing plant can provide a bridge to the spiritual realm through which the smoke will carry prayers. We can use sage in the same way, by employing its power to both eliminate negativity and open our mind to a higher spirituality.

Ask the plant medicine spirit of the sage to be there with you and ask that it assist you in purifying and cleansing you, your space and your Rose Quartz. Hold the sage above the abalone shell as you light it. Let it catch fire and allow it to burn for about 30 seconds. Then blow it out.

As the smoke wafts from the stick sage yourself using your hand to direct the smoke towards your body. Suggest starting at the top of your head working downwards to the feet.

Sage your home open your front door and all of the windows in your house to allow unwanted energies to be released. Starting at the front door sage around the outside of the door and frame. Now walk back inside and begin saging your home by moving counter clockwise this is symbolic of taking negative energy out. Using your hand waft the smoke into all the corners of every room and up to the ceiling. Say these words “ I ask that the plant spirit of the sage please remove and release any negative energies from myself and my home.”

Finally to clear and cleanse your Rose Quartz or any of your crystals immerse them in the sacred smoke of the sage. When your finished extinguish the sage stick by snuffing it out inside of the shell. Clean your shell and use it as a pretty dish for your crystals.

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