11 ~ Warrior Within

11 ~ Warrior Within


Facing the world with our fiercest persona is a habit for some of us, in some cases the consequence of literally fighting for our survival, but in many cases the unfortunate result of the culture in which we live. We women spend such a high proportion of our lives in fight or flight mode that we literally exhaust our adrenals and deplete our spirits, and find ourselves running on fumes more often than not. So ingrained is this status-quo that many of us have forgotten that we can give ourselves permission to let go of our white-knuckle grip on life and that we can allow ourselves to create safe spaces in which we can surrender to stillness. When we hear and nurture the needs of our Warrior within, we cultivate awareness of our own inner strength.

When we offer our Warrior within the opportunity to let down her guard, to rest and receive, we tap into the limitless healing potential of our wild and wise Sacred Feminine core.

⟁ Do you move through this world in fight or flight mode?

⟁ Do you want to live more peacefully from resting and releasing your Warrior Within? 

⟁ Do you want to learn how to let down your guard, tear down those walls that are no longer serving you and give the warrior within a well deserved rest?

If these words are calling to you then this is the offering for you. Come awaken the sacredness within you, pull away from this false world, let go of the false being that you have become and plug back into your sacred feminine truth.

What does this offering offer me?

⟁ Breath work to let go of all that does not serve

⟁ Shamanic Healing to heal and free energy within you

⟁ Sound Healing to calm and release the cells in your being

⟁ Meditation to take you away from the false narrative of yourself

⟁ Crystal Healing to amplify and heal your spirit

⟁ Journaling to explore self and set your intentions

⟁ Spiritual Counselling to support and guide you

⟁ Goddess oracle card reading to bring you messages from spirit world

This offering is a doorway in to Surrendering to Sacred Self Love, the powerful connection to your Sacred Feminine and walking this life spiritually awake and deeply connected to source.

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