WITCHES RUNES ~ 3 readings

WITCHES RUNES ~ 3 readings


Witches Runes are an ancient tool in which we can hear the words and voices of the ancients through time, our spoken and written word has a power that allows us to tap into a timeless vibration. These Witches Runes contain unbound vibrational energy rooted in past, present and future. They carry with them the wisdom of the ages.

Witches Runes are inextricably linked to trees, the painful memories of witches who were hanged from gallows trees, the way of the runes brings you back to the trees, to the beauty of the wild forest within, the wonder of lands and the voices that echo across generations to inform the way of the modern witch. Trees are some of the longest lived organisms on earth and they hold such power and presence.

Witches Runes consist of 13 symbols, one for each complete lunar month in the calendar year. Witches would use them in spells and rituals.They are said to have come from north eastern Scotland and represent natural events.

The energy of runes is similar to heat, you can’t see it, but you can’t deny it and these symbols were used by witches in the Burning Times to communicate in secret to each other through fear of being discovered for there magic and persecuted.

Witches still seek communion, communication and guidance, they still look to the stars, the phases of the moon, the flower, the leaf, the tree and root for pathways into source energy and Witches Runes do just that!

Come sit with me in the Hideout and connect to the Witches Runes, ask them for guidance in this life path and allow them to listen and offer you answers from the ancient ones, from earths source.

All my Witches Runes are blessed and ready for you, this beautiful session offers you 3 readings allowing you to ask the questions, connect to earth and receive the divine answers meant for you.

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