Mabon Ceremony

Mabon Ceremony


The autumn equinox usually occurs on or around September 22, when the sun reaches 0 degrees of Libra. Once again, day and night are of equal length, signifying a time of balance, equality, and harmony. Mabon is also a harvest festival, and witches consider it a time for giving thanks for the abundance Mother Earth has provided. This sabbath marks the last spoke in the Wheel of the Year. From this day until the winter solstice, the Goddess Persephone takes us deep into the underworld, downward towards earth, deep within ourselves. As the days grow shorter and the cold, barren winter approaches, we witches reflect on the joys and sorrows, successes and failures of the year that is nearing its conclusion.

The energy of Mabon embodies endings.

This Retreating ceremony guides you to break any old habits and patterns that have been limiting you. Anything you wish to eliminate from your life can now be released safely.

The equinox is a time of balance, and we must try to balance yin and yang, active and passive, Seek rest and activity, solitude and socializing in equal portions. Mabon marks the sun's entrance into the zodiac sign Libra, which astrologers connect with peace, diplomacy, harmony, and balance. We use the energy of this Mabon Ceremony to ease any stress we are carrying and restore balance in our life.

In this truly restful retreating ceremony you will journey into the darkness of the earth with Goddess Persephone to retreat and rest. Persephone is the mature woman, who teaches us to speak our truth regardless of whether it displeases others, she forces us to do what is right for us, she shows us how we must set strong boundaries and she demands of us to be whole rather than good or perfect. She is the powerful dark feminine that I adore, the energy we all hold within us but often rarely activate. With the guidance of Persephone in this deep healing dark restful ceremony, she teaches us to allow ourselves to retreat to the underworld and to be unapologetically what we need to be. We are guided to build our boundaries well so that we can fully take care of ourselves body, mind and spirit.


“When we give ourselves permission to truly appreciate the wild wisdom of darkness as much as we do the light, we honour our inherent cycle of waxing and waning and our innate Sacred Feminine rhythm just as Goddess Persephone embodies.”

Autumn is such a powerful and sacred time to move into healing and The Mabon Ceremony is the most deepest relaxing journey where we are taken by Goddess Persephone, to retreat, hibernate, get under the blanket to breathe, heal and rest our spirits. You are drowned in Sound Healing, Shamanic shadow healing, Pine essential oils and the deepest rest that our spirits yearn for at this time of year. We journal to help us prioritise ourselves, our wellbeing and as we come to an end you receive a Season of the Witch Mabon Oracle Reading.

Now what woman doesn’t need to give herself the gift of rest and retreat?


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