Samhain Ceremony

Samhain Ceremony


The Pure Wild Witch is so so excited to offer sacred space to celebrate the season of the Witch, connect with the elements and meet face to face with goddess transformational energies within, with these crazy times we are living in right now there has never been a more potent time to stir Goddess Kerridwen’s Cauldron than right now she is calling to us!

The Season of the Witch Retreat is here, escape to the hideout within sacred space and immerse yourself in Wild Witch Yoga, Spiritual meditative journeying to heal and unearth your cauldrons within and meet with the Goddess Kerridwen to transform and recreate yourself.

Now is the season of Samhain, this is the season of shadow work, living and unearthing our darkness to create light. This retreat is exclusively for November & December the months of death and re-birth, the time when the veil between this world and the spirit world is at its thinnest, the time of the Goddess Kerridwen. Kerridwen has a scary reputation and a lot of people fear Her, but for me this is not a true representation I am her she is within me within all of us ,I hold so much love for her.

The key word for Kerridwen is not death but transformation. Kerridwen brings us change whether we like it or not. We all know that change is necessary but it is part of the human condition that so many of us resist it for as long as possible. Kerridwen will start with a gentle prod but if you ignore Her then it becomes a push and if you still ignore Her, then it will be a metaphorical kick. That’s when She becomes scary.

But ultimately Kerridwen is a healing Goddess who tears away all the things that are holding you back, all the repetitive patterns and bad habits are consumed in the heat of Her cauldron. Let Her in and She will heal you and change you in ways you cannot imagine, to become the best possible version of yourself. As human beings we like to think we’re in control and we get afraid when things don’t go to plan but Kerridwen knows what is best for us much better than we do. She will always give you what you need even if it isn’t what you want.

So if you feel Kerridwen’s call as I so powerfully do right now, she is literally dragging me kicking and screaming to hold this space for you wild women out there. Then reach out to me and emerge yourself in spiritual wild witch gentle yoga movement, breath work, spiritual meditative journeying to meet with Goddess Kerridwen, connection to the elements in a truly beautiful deep healing ritual.

We finish this beautiful session with a Season of the Witch Oracle reading to connect with the energy we have created to unearth the spirit messages in a personal reading!


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