Yule Ceremony

Yule Ceremony


And so yule is upon us, yule reminds us of warmth, happiness and a time to be thankful for all that we have and to plant wishes and hopes for the year ahead.

Allow yourself to surrender here in this sacred warm candlelit space to immerse yourself in the beauty of yule and the magic within the darkness.

During the winter months we start to feel the need to slow down, to reflect and to take time off to spend with ourselves and our loved ones, it is a time to turn inwards for healing, contemplation and prayer. We all hold the natural ability to sense and align with this season.

The Christmas tradition holds roots based in many witchy ways, familiar symbols such as Christmas trees, stars, lights, gifts and even father Christmas are threaded through the culture and predate the Christian celebration. Mother Mary is based on the midwinter celebration known as mothers night the celebration of a goddess giving birth to the sun in the sky.

It is the beautiful feminine birthing her light into the world, what are you ready to birth out into the world, what are you ready to let die, what are you ready to let go of at the end of this wheel of the year.

Witches celebrate yule as the return of light, meaning sunlight, but to get to this sunlight we must offer up our darkness and allow things to die that do not serve our highest good.

Yule occurs around December 21 and this powerful ceremony is available in November and December to prepare us for the end of this wheel of the year ready for the new year to begin. The solstice is when the sun stands still, Yule marks the turning point in the suns descent into darkness, from this point the days grow steadily longer, it is a time of renewal and hope, it is the perfect time to feel into your hopes your dreams.

In this wild and magical ceremony we connect in ritual with the power of seasonal herbs and plants, Mistletoe the herb of fertility, immortality and an aphrodisiac bringing the warmth and love into this season, Evergreen trees brought inside that never lost there needles a symbol of life over death to allow earths life to flow through us. Holly a sacred plant offering shelter to the earths beautiful spirits during wintertime.

On the eve of yule, witches build a fire from the wood of nine sacred trees, the central element in a yule fire is an oak log, we bring oak into our ritual as oak represents strength and longevity.

The fire of the candles in your ritual symbolise the suns return. As the fire burns, the energy within this space awakens your dreams, visions, insights and offers guidance for the coming year.

The lighting of candles for winter solstice symbolises blessings, joy and promise, enjoy a beautiful candlelit sacred ritual as we connect with the powers of north, south, east and west that surround you.

We enliven the elements within us at this wonderful time of year returning light and healing within us as we bring in new beginnings.

It is within the depths of our darkness, we dance upon the sleeping earth and ask for our blessings to move into our space as we experience a cosy winter evening of magic.

Surrender into this powerful season of yule immerse yourself in the scent of winter herbs that fill the room, feel the warmth of candlelight and heart warming meditation as you allow the beautiful sounds of shamanic drum and healing bowls to move through you.

As you slowly start to awaken with hope and desires sparking within your heart we move into a gratefulness for the year that has passed and we take a moment to journal all of what we are ready to let die and all of our desires and hopes for the future.

We end this warming winter journey with a Yule Season of the witch oracle reading connecting with the elements of winter and you take with you a lucky charm to bring your desires to life.


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